Blue Leaves
Fast, fast, faster I run
Raising to the sky and tasting the dust
Dark wings grow in my arms
Cold freezing winds, clouds in rain cast
High, high, higher I fly
Feeling the stars burning-in my hands
White clouds cover my eyes
Blue endless leaves... falling, my hair
I am not afraid to "crush the wonders corolla of the world" (Lucian Blaga) as, whenever crashing it, more and more corollas are raising, in an exponential explosion.
In this illusory Universe there must be at least something true, as long as I am thinking (Descartes). But, looking to its complexity and beauty, you know that it is more, much more than this...
Blue Leaves &
Sonore Quartet
Did I really compose this music, or is it just a projection of the early information squeezed in the beginning of the Universe... ending one day in the entropy of a Black Hole?...
Blue Leaves &
Chromatic Sextet
No matter how small we are, our music transcends the Universe in both space and time...
Blue Leaves &
Chromatic Octet
I am not afraid any more, as I know there is no frontier between me and the rest of the Universe...
Blue Leaves &
Achim Emese
Sometimes, the path to your ideal is like a hot sunny day, making each one of your steps heavier and heavier...
Blue Leaves - Classical Guitar
Water Dance
Blue Leaves - Classical Guitar